Timing Your Sale and Purchase So You Don’t End up in Storage

How to Time Your Current Home’s Sale

If you’re buying your first home, timing is not necessarily going to be an issue. After all, you will continue to live in your apartment, your parents’ home, or wherever you hang your hat until your new home is available – and then you’ll move right in. However, if you already own a home and are buying a new one, things are a little trickier. You probably need to sell your old home before you can buy a new one, but if you sell before you buy, where are you going to put all your stuff in the interim?

There has to be some way to time things so that you can move into your new house before you have to move out of your old one, without having to pay to put all of your possessions into storage. Fortunately, people do this all the time. Here are some tips for timing your home sale and home purchase.

To begin, there are basically two ways to time your sale and purchase; you can buy, then sell, or sell then buy.

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