What’s the Best Re-Fi Program for You?

How to Make Sure You’re Getting the Best Rate on Your Re-Fi

Now that the election is finally over and a new president is heading to office, it’s anybody’s guess as to how long mortgage interest rates will remain low. Traditionally, election years can have an unexpected effect on the housing market, and if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s to expect the unexpected.

So if you’re thinking about refinancing your home, now might be the time to finally make the leap. But before you do, it’s a good idea to have a better understanding about the different Re-Fi programs out there, because there are several options that you will need to choose from. It also helps to know how to make sure you’re getting the best rate possible. In this guide, you’ll learn more about choosing the best Re-Fi program for you, and how to lock in the lowest rate. more “What’s the Best Re-Fi Program for You?”