How Good Does My Credit Need to Be to Buy a House?

What It Takes to Secure the Best Mortgage

Unless you are one of those people who may be fortunate enough to be able to buy a home in cash, you’re going to need a mortgage loan. And in order to get a mortgage loan, you need credit. But not just any credit – you need good credit.

So just how good does one’s credit rating have to be in order to secure a mortgage that won’t lead to problems down the road? Before you go out seeking mortgage lenders, you should know just how good your credit is going to need to be before you can get a mortgage loan to buy a house. Read on for details!

more “How Good Does My Credit Need to Be to Buy a House?”

Is It Actually Possible to Negotiate a Better Mortgage Rate?

Making Sure You Get the Best Mortgage Interest Rate

When you are looking to buy a home, your first priority is finding a lender who will give you the amount you need for the home you want. Naturally, you want the best mortgage rate, but as the borrower, you may not feel that you have much leverage to negotiate.

However, even half a percentage point in the interest rate you’re tied to can save you thousands of dollars over the course of your loan, so it is in your best interest to try to use whatever negotiating power you may have at your disposal. If it’s possible to negotiate a better mortgage rate, then you always should; here are some strategies to get you started on the process.

more “Is It Actually Possible to Negotiate a Better Mortgage Rate?”

What To Do When You Want to Lock In the Best Mortgage Rate Possible

How to Lock in the Best Mortgage Rate You Can

When you’re ready to buy a home, your first concern may be whether or not you can get a mortgage at all. When you do find a willing lender, the next question is whether or not they will offer you an affordable mortgage rate.

If you do get a mortgage rate you like, you may want to lock it in as soon as possible. So how do you lock in a mortgage rate, and what are the advantages and disadvantages to doing so? Read on to learn more now. more “What To Do When You Want to Lock In the Best Mortgage Rate Possible”