Five Common Mistakes to Avoid When Doing a Cash-Out Refinance on Your Home

Getting Ready for a Cash-Out Refinance? Read This First!

Despite current interest rates not being as low as everyone might like, refinancing is still on the table for a good number of homeowners, but especially for those who are thinking about doing a cash-out refinance for home improvement purposes.

Refinancing to pay for certain home improvements or renovations can make sense even when interest rates are slightly higher than what you wish because the completed projects can increase your home’s market value, which will in turn potentially increase your equity to the point that you can remove private mortgage insurance from your monthly payment. This will help offset the increase in your payment amount caused by the higher interest rate. more “Five Common Mistakes to Avoid When Doing a Cash-Out Refinance on Your Home”

How Much Should You Spend on Buying Your First Home, and Why?

Buying Your First Home? Let’s Talk About Cost

Buying a first home is one of life’s most exciting events. But it doesn’t come without its fair share of worry. After all, we want to ensure that the home we’re buying is not only a good fit for our families and lifestyle, but also our budget. The problem is, far too many first-time buyers get sucked into the excitement of shopping for homes and end up buying more home than they realistically need (and can afford). more “How Much Should You Spend on Buying Your First Home, and Why?”

The Best Time to Refinance Your Home Mortgage in 2023 (And How to Do It)

Ready to Refinance Your Mortgage Before Year’s End? Here’s How

If you are thinking about refinancing your home mortgage in 2023, then traditionally speaking, the best time to do so would be during the last two weeks of the last month in each quarter. So, this means the last two weeks in September and December, since March and June have both already passed. more “The Best Time to Refinance Your Home Mortgage in 2023 (And How to Do It)”

6 Clear Benefits of Refinancing Your Home Mortgage

Can Refinancing a Home Mortgage Offer Advantages?

Homeowners choose to refinance their home mortgages for a wide range of reasons, some more logical than others. But for those who choose to refinance for the right reasons, there can be some very clear and distinct advantages of doing so.

If the interest rate has dropped to a point where you are considering refinancing your home loan, then here are six clear benefits that can come from making this decision.  more “6 Clear Benefits of Refinancing Your Home Mortgage”

How Long Should Homeowners Wait Before Refinancing a New Mortgage?

When Is it Too Fast to Refinance Your Mortgage?

If you’re of a certain age, then you have probably heard (or even used) the famous quote from the film, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off – “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

And if you’re a homeowner, then you probably know all too well how fast life really moves. In fact, life moves so fast that some homeowners think about refinancing their mortgages not long after they’ve closed on their homes! more “How Long Should Homeowners Wait Before Refinancing a New Mortgage?”

Is Summer the Best Time to Refinance a Mortgage?

Should You Refinance Your Mortgage During June, July, or August?

The crazy fluctuations of the real estate market over the last few years has made it tough for a homeowner to know when to pull the trigger on refinancing their mortgage. After a lengthy span of record low interest rates, today’s rates are up and hovering around 7% for a 30-year fixed rate mortgage loan.

With such volatility in recent years, the current interest rate is still high enough to keep a lot of refinance prospects sitting idle on the sidelines. And even for those who might be in the position to refinance, other questions come into play, like – is summer the best time to refinance a mortgage or should I wait? more “Is Summer the Best Time to Refinance a Mortgage?”

At What Point Is It Worth It to Refinance My Mortgage?

Looking Into Refinancing Your Mortgage? Read This First

Interest rates haven’t exactly been kind to home buyers and homeowners interested in refinancing their mortgages over the last few years, but they are slowly moving back in the right direction. As a result, those homeowners looking to refinance their home loans are finding themselves once again back at considering their options.

But if you’re like most homeowners, you might be wondering – at what point is it worth it to refinance my mortgage? more “At What Point Is It Worth It to Refinance My Mortgage?”

Spring Home Buying Season Is Here: Learn Everything a First-Time Buyer Should Know

A First-Time Buyer’s Guide to Spring Home Shopping

It’s been a long, hard road for first-time home buyers, but the market finally seems to be shifting to the point that more buyers will likely be hitting the streets this spring in search of their first homes. And why not? Being a first-time buyer opens the doors to tax breaks and streams of other financial benefits that come with owning a home.

That said, there’s more to buying a first home than many prospective buyers might expect. So, here’s everything a first-time buyer should know about buying their first home this spring. more “Spring Home Buying Season Is Here: Learn Everything a First-Time Buyer Should Know”

Financing Help for First Time Homebuyers in 2023

Ready to Buy Your First Home in 2023? Read These Mortgage Tips Now

For so many first-time homebuyers, saving up enough money to make a down payment on a home can take years. But as much of a challenge as it is, it is certainly worth it because putting at least 20 percent down on a home can help a first-time buyer secure a lower interest rate and avoid having private mortgage insurance (PMI) included in their monthly mortgage payment. That said, not every first-time buyer can save money when they have so many other financial obligations to satisfy. Luckily, help is available.

If you’re in the market for your first home but you’re having difficulty saving money for a down payment, then this doesn’t mean that you are going to be out of luck. Financing help is available from a variety of resources that can help you achieve your dream of owning a home in 2023. This guide will help get you started. more “Financing Help for First Time Homebuyers in 2023”

The Best (and Worst) Reasons Why to Refinance Your Home Mortgage

Here’s When to Refinance Your Home… and When to Avoid It

Mortgage interest rates are a little better than they were a year ago, but they remain higher than they’ve been in two decades. Still, there are many homeowners out there who might find the prospect of refinancing their mortgages appealing for a number of different reasons. After all, there are a lot of mortgage loans out there with interest rates that are even higher what’s currently available, so these homeowners can potentially save money by refinancing.

But of course, before you choose to refinance your mortgage, it is important to assess your situation and consider your reasons for wanting to refinance because some reasons are simply better than others. And some reasons can even be detrimental.

Here are the best and worst reasons to refinance your home mortgage. more “The Best (and Worst) Reasons Why to Refinance Your Home Mortgage”