What To Do When You Want to Lock In the Best Mortgage Rate Possible

How to Lock in the Best Mortgage Rate You Can

When you’re ready to buy a home, your first concern may be whether or not you can get a mortgage at all. When you do find a willing lender, the next question is whether or not they will offer you an affordable mortgage rate.

If you do get a mortgage rate you like, you may want to lock it in as soon as possible. So how do you lock in a mortgage rate, and what are the advantages and disadvantages to doing so? Read on to learn more now. more “What To Do When You Want to Lock In the Best Mortgage Rate Possible”

15 Tips Every First-Time Home Buyer Absolutely Has to Know About

Buying Your First Home? These Tips Will Help Guide You Through the Process

So, you’re buying your first home. Congratulations! This is a huge milestone that can represent the passage to adulthood, safety and security, the starting of a family, or simply just a change in status. But since it is highly likely to be the most expensive purchase you have ever made, it’s one you want to go into with your eyes wide open.

In that spirit, here are the top 15 things you absolutely must know when going into your first home buying situation to make sure you get the best deal out there. more “15 Tips Every First-Time Home Buyer Absolutely Has to Know About”